is a British Indian researcher and practitioner of oneirocriticism, divination, and depth psychology, with a foundation in psychodynamic counselling.



‘The Constellations’ by Gaston Bachelard
Reading Zodiac
Online salon

January 31

February 19

‘The Nebula’ by Gaston Bachelard
Reading Zodiac
Online salon

May 31

‘Clouds’ by Gaston Bachelard
Reading Zodiac
Online salon

Imaginal research and deep reading circle event held on Google Meet in various international time zones.

June 9

Dreams and Astrology
2024 IASD Dream Conference
Rolduc Abbey, The Netherlands

I am a speaker and scholarship recipient at the 41st conference of the the International Association for Study of Dreams. I will be sharing my research on dreams and astrology. This is my first in-person talk since 2011.

Befriending the imaginal is my heartfelt invitation to you. Together, we will deepen our friendship with the stars within us and the stars above through dreamwork, divination, and depth psychology.

Hello Dreamers

  • Hi, I'm AS Katoch, though friends often call me Rudy. As a queer, cis British-Indian from the West Midlands, I prefer he/him pronouns.

    I've always been fascinated by dreams – not just the kind we have when we sleep, but also our hopes, ambitions, and sometimes, our anxieties. And I'm here to help you navigate and understand them better.

    Using depth psychology, divination, and insights from the stars, I work with individuals like you to explore and interpret these dreams. I genuinely believe that by understanding our dreams, we can better understand ourselves and our place in the world.

    Our sessions are built on the idea of "mutual genius." It's about the moments where our understanding aligns, leading to real insights and progress. It's a collaborative process where we both bring something unique to the table.

    Apart from one-on-one sessions, I also offer workshops and seminars on various related topics, from interpreting literary dreams to diving into the world of myths and archetypes.

    When you choose to work with me, you're also supporting my ongoing education in psychodynamic psychotherapy. It's an investment that benefits both of us, ensuring our sessions together are always evolving and improving.

    Eager to discover more? Contact me below.

  • From an early age, dreams have played a pivotal role in my life. Growing up, my family valued the art of dream sharing and interpretation, setting the foundation for what would become a lifelong passion. As I grew, I became more captivated by symbols in both art and literature. The vibrant explorations of my 20s brought me closer to understanding these symbols and the connections they formed in my life.

    In my mid-20s, under the mentorship of my Jungian analyst, I dove deeper into understanding the human psyche and the world of dreams. Now, as I journey through my 30s, I'm grounded in the belief that we're all dreamers, each with our own unique story to tell. My goal is simple: to help others interpret and understand their dreams, uncovering the deeper meanings and connections they hold.

    By integrating depth psychology and divination, I offer a comprehensive approach to dreamwork. Together, we'll explore dreams, complexes, and archetypes, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of your dream narrative.

    Book a dreamwork session today with me below.

    Education and Training

    Affiliation: Member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams since 2019.

    Jungian Engagements (2015-present): Ongoing Jungian analysis and seminars with CCPE and IGAP, focusing on areas like active imagination and psychotherapeutic practices.

    Recognitions: Achieved Distinction in Psychodynamic Counselling Skills from WPF Therapy in 2017. Research includes areas like imaginal transference and the dynamics of envy in human relationships.

    Guided Trainings: Completed ancestral lineage healing with Dr. Daniel Foor in 2018 & 2021. Received Dreamwork instruction from Dr. Leslie Ellis in 2021. Engaged in Lacanian studies in 2021, and gained practical experience from Wilfred Bion's methodologies at the Institute of Psychoanalysis in 2022.

    Academic Achievements: Graduated with a BA in English Studies (First-class honours) from the University of Nottingham in 2010. Completed an MA in Literary Linguistics with Distinction from the same institution in 2011. My academic focus has been on the psychological interpretation of literature, studying works from greats like James Joyce, C. G. Jung, and Jacques Lacan.

  • The Heart's Question

    Every meaningful journey begins with a question—a heart's yearning. Before we embark on our shared voyage, I invite you to ponder on this question. This was a lesson I gleaned from my initial experiences with tarot a decade ago and further fortified by the principles of Dr. Brené Brown on wholeheartedness.

    I lean on astromancy—the age-old craft of seeking answers from stars and planets. This includes the tarot, the I Ching, and astrology. Though tarot and I Ching can be optional tools in our journey, astrology consistently informs my direction.

    Want a tarot reading? Then reach out to me through the contact form below.

    Pillars of Transformation: "Insight, Endurance, Action"

    Dr. C. G. Jung once highlighted three pivotal elements of transformation. While psychology brings forth insight, it's our innate strength that fosters endurance, leading us to decisive action. Standing at life's crossroads, I'm here to provide the clarity and insight you need for transformative steps forward.

    Training and Education

    I've had the privilege to learn divination and astrology under the guidance of some esteemed mentors:

    Tarot & I Ching: Mentored by Benebell Wen from 2014, with a focus on psychological facets.

    Hellenistic Astrology: Commenced my journey with Wen and Chani Nicholas, further honed by experts like Demetra George, Gray Crawford, Austin Coppock, and Levente László.

    Traditional Techniques: Expanded my understanding through seminars by accomplished astrologers such as Nina Gryphon, Dr. Benjamin Dykes, Dr. Luis Ribeiro, and Dr. Ali A. Olomi.

    Jungian & Psychodynamic Approaches: Enlightened by Dr. Liz Greene and Jason Holley, integrating psychology into astrological readings.

    Ancient Traditions: Enriched by the wisdom of Dr. Bernadette Brady and Dr. Darrelyn Gunzburg on Babylonian & Egyptian astrological practices.

    Astrological Dreamwork: Merged dream interpretations with astrology under Sabrina Monarch's guidance since 2021.

    Archetypal & Holotropic Astrology: Deepened my expertise with the philosophies of Dr. Richard Tarnas and Dr. Stanislav Grof, as taught by Renn Butler.


  • Dreamwork: Explore the tapestry of dreams interwoven with their cosmic influences.

    Divination: Navigate life's questions guided by the constellations, tarot, and the I Ching.

    Tutorials: Immerse in the knowledge of imaginal, mythopoetic, and archetypal realms.

    Guidelines & Specifications:

    Platform: Google Meet.

    Essential Equipment: Functioning video camera and microphone.

    Recording Access: Provided within 48 hours post-session.

    Rescheduling Policy: Up to 48 hours in advance for a full refund. Absenteeism without notice means no refunds.

    In-Person Sessions:

    Comprehensive Fee: Encompasses session and travel costs. Connect with me at or the contact form below.

  • A journey into the psychic realm of dreams, understanding their mythopoetic and archetypal significance.

    Methodology: Synthesis of various astrological techniques paired with Jungian and psychodynamic dream interpretation.

    Dream Recall Chart: Recollection based or the moment shared.

    Session Details: Comparison with birth chart, situating dream in your life's timeline.

  • Delve into questions of the heart using the guidance of stars, tarot, and the I Ching.

    Astrology Only: Natal chart analysis, year ahead, psychological and archetypal analysis.

    Tarot & I Ching: Always paired with an in-depth astrological analysis.

  • Expand your understanding of counselling skills, dream interpretation, and divinatory techniques.

    Focus Areas: Dreamwork, astrology, tarot, I Ching, and more.

    Format: Tutorial with additional resources. Referral to expert practitioners if needed.


  • AS Katoch’s work as a shepherd of dreams and guide through the unconscious dimension through astrology is life changing. Rudy possesses a unique capacity in marrying rigorous technique with imagination and heart. His intuitive discernment is awe-inspiring in its uncanny accuracy. Rudy not only helps excavate the meaning of dreams and unconscious processes but provides guidance for active imaginal engagement. This helps purify and plow unconscious fields so that more authentic and fulfilling patterns may take root.

    Gray Crawford. Astrologer, Olympia, USA.

  • "It’s a fortunate thing indeed to know and work with AS Katoch. Every conversation with Rudy brims with synchronicity for me. A reading with Rudy is an unraveling of a timeline straight back to source, leading to a deep sense of meaning behind my being. His approach has the Gemini Magician quality of entrainment, leaving an indelible imprint in space-time. I cannot recommend him highly enough."

    Aliza Penelope. Astrologer, Oakland, USA.

  • AS Katoch seamlessly combines his broad understanding of astrology, divination techniques, and psychoanalysis to provide enlightening, healing, and deeply intuitive readings. When I've presented dreams for analysis, Rudy has treated them with rigour and respect, offering incisive and inspiring insights.

    Saskia. London, UK.

  • As a newcomer to tarot and astrology, I felt daunted. AS Katoch provided me with a reading grounded in extensive knowledge that was intricate, highly personalized, yet delivered in an accessible manner.

    Vishnu. London, UK.


Whether it's the allure of the imaginal, the mysteries of the archetypal, or a burning question from a dream, I'm here to guide and collaborate with you.

  • In-Person Consultations: Interested in a face-to-face deep dive into your dreams or astrological chart? Let's discuss logistics and specifics.

  • Events & Speaking Engagements: Want me to illuminate an audience with my expertise on dreamwork, divination, or related topics? Share your event details.

  • Collaborations: Have a project in mind that aligns with my areas of expertise? Let's create something transformative together.

Drop me a line below, detailing your inquiry or intent, and I'll get back to you promptly.


Every insight shared, dream interpreted, and star charted is a step in our collective journey of exploration and discovery. If my work resonates with you, and you feel moved to express your appreciation, consider supporting this journey.

Whether it's a token of gratitude or a gesture of deep resonance, your contribution plays a pivotal role in sustaining and enriching the odyssey we're co-creating.

Your generosity not only fuels the work but also the spirit behind it.


What services do you offer?

I offer in-depth consultations on Dreamwork, Divination, and Tutorials. These services allow you to explore the significance of dreams, delve into questions using the stars, tarot, and the I Ching, and gain insight into imaginal, mythopoetic, and archetypal topics.

Are your consultations face-to-face or online?

All my sessions are conducted via Google Meet. I do offer in-person consultations, where the rate includes the session cost and travel. Please contact me for details regarding in-person consultations.

What if I need to cancel or reschedule?

You can reschedule or cancel up to 48 hours in advance for a refund. Please be aware that late or no-shows without notice will forfeit their refund.

How do I prepare for a Dreamwork session?

For Dreamwork, it's beneficial if you can recall and note down your dreams in as much detail as possible prior to the session. We'll discuss these dreams and situate them within your life's timeline.

I want to learn more about dream interpretation, astrology, and divination. Do you offer courses?

I offer tutorials to expand your understanding of these areas. The tutorial sessions provide insights, additional resources, and if needed, referrals to other expert practitioners.

Is my personal information safe with you?

Absolutely. Privacy is a top priority for me. Your birth data and other personal details are only used for the purpose of the session and are stored securely. I will never use or share your data without your explicit consent.